First of all i want to say thanks to all for continuing reading this blog..terima kasih bebanyak kerana sentiasa men'support' blog nie. I got 'called' from cikgu Tuan last week asking about above topic. Thanks to him always give me new ideas to write..thanx my man...

Actually it's not so hard to apply google adsense when we're using bloggers or in the other word blogspot. This is because

bloggers or blogspot is under google groups. So what we are going to do in order to apply this 'major' pocket money hehehehe

Firstly you must have a gmail e-mail account. To open a new account simply CLICK HERE
Please take note all adsense e-mail will sent to your new gmail account.

Secondly make your own blog..please refer to my post about making blog or click CLICK HERE

After you have finished your blog post :-

1. Go to LAYOUT TAB.
2. click ADD A GADGET , find ADSENSE and click.

3. The adsense new tab will automatically appear in your layout.
4. You can move the adsense tab by press and hold your mouse and drag it.

Lastly just wait 2 - 3 days and google adsense group will contact you via e-mail..mudah bukan...

Paling mudah di approve apabila anda menggunakan bahasa penjajah dalam penulisan blog anda buat pertama kali untuk meng'apply' account google adsense. Timbul soalan mcm mana dengan bahasa melayu atau bahasa asing???

Okeysss pada waktu anda mengisi borang adsense new account (link from google e-mail kepada anda ) sila pilih bahasa anda dalam penulisan blog..

Good luck :))


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